Republic Day Celebration
Date: 26 th January 2019.
The day of pride for all Indians ‘Republic Day’ was celebrated in the institution with a festive spirit.
Mr Eliyas Sanctis-Chief Guest of the programme hoisted the flag. Every one present in the premises
saluted the flag with utmost pride. National song ‘Vande Matharam’ echoed in the campus. Mr
Vincent Mendonsa-Principal introduced the Chief Guest and welcomed the gathering. The Chief
Guest congratulated the students for coming together for celebrating this great day and said, “We,
the people govern our nation. We must take the decision today to make our country corruption free.
To be able to make this possible, we must responsibly elect our representatives. Education gives us
the knowledge necessary to identify and elect proper leaders. That is why getting proper education
is very necessary. I request you to do your studies well and get educated in true sense. We must lead
a life of values. If every citizen is filled with positive values, our country would become the greatest
country.” Mr Eliyas Sanctis is a well known entrepreneur, social worker and Dakshina Kannada
Rajyothsava awardee in 2013. Student council members sang a song which delivered the message of
unity in diversity, the essence of our democracy. In his Presidential address Rev Fr Melwyn Lobo SJ,
the Director of the institution said, “This is the day on which the freedom got from British was truely
transferred to the hands of a common citizen. On this day we got our own constitution. The people
got the right to elect their own Government. Our constitution reflects the dreams of every citizen. It
is built on four pillars- Justice, Liberty, equality and fraternity. We must feel proud of our
constitution and unite to uphold its values. Lately, communalism is gripping our nation and posing a
threat to the constitutional values. It is greatly needed that we must all unite in protecting our
constitution which protects freedom of speech and religions”. Gyaral Milton Lobo of MMV trade
compeered the programme. Shameer- President of student council proposed vote of thanks. The
celebration was concluded with the National anthem. Sweets were distributed to all. Mr Kiran
Dsouza and Mr Alwyn Menezes were the conveners of the programme.