St Aloysius Industrial Training Institute celebrates Ayudha Pooja 2024

Ayudha Pooja celebration was held at St Aloysius ITI on October 10. Ayudha Pooja, also known as Astra Pooja, is a significant Hindu festival that is part of the Navaratri festival and is primarily observed in southern India.

Ayudha means ‘weapons’ or ‘tools’ and Pooja means ‘worship’. During Ayudha Pooja, devotees clean, decorate, and worship the tools and instruments they use in their daily lives or work. This act symbolises respect for the tools that provide sustenance and success. Ayudha Pooja is observed on the ninth day, or sometimes the tenth day, which is also known as Vijayadashami.

On this special day, all the workshops of the institution were decorated with plantain, glazing paper, flowers, mango leaves, balloons, etc.

The programme was presided over by Fr John D’Souza SJ – director of the institution. Fr Balaraju R SJ, secretary – St Aloysius Institutions, Mangalore was the chief guest. Roshan D’Souza – principal, Alwyn Menezes – vice principal, Noel Lobo and Wilson N – training officers, Kiran D’Souza – convener of the programme, Darshan S – president, student council were present for the programme.

The programme commenced with a prayer service which was led by Wilson N, JTO along with the students. Students read the verses from the Holy Bible, Bhagavad Gita and Quran. Prayer intentions were offered.

Vishal D’Souza, vice president – student council extended a cordial welcome to the gathering.

An oath to handle tools and machinery safely and for the benefit of mankind was taken by the students. The oath taking ceremony was led by Darshan S, president of student council.

Fr Balaraju R SJ and Fr John D’Souza SJ blessed all the workshops and vehicles.

Chief guest Fr Balaraju R SJ addressed the gathering by saying, “Today is a special day, reminding us of the power of tools and instruments in our lives – whether they are physical tools we use in our work or symbolic tools like knowledge, skills, and values that shape our path. It is a day when we express our gratitude for the tools of our trade, be it a farmer’s plough, a student’s pen, a worker’s machinery or the technology that drives modern innovation. Through this festival, we not only recognize the importance of our instruments, but also emphasize the values of hard work, discipline, and dedication. It is a day to pause and reflect on how these tools, when used with sincerity and focus, can help us achieve our goals and contribute to the greater good of society. With the blessings of the divine, may we continue to use our tools with wisdom, responsibility, and respect.”

Hruthik, a student of MRAC 1st year, proposed the vote of thanks.

The programme was compered by Gururaj, student of MRAC 1st year.

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