St Aloysius ITI organizes Annual Athletic Meet

The Annual Athletic Meet at St Aloysius ITI was held on January 10, at St Aloysius Gonzaga ground.

Delvin Dias – manager, Sensicool Innovative Energy Solutions, Dubai & alumni of SAITI was the chief guest for the programme. Fr John D’Souza S J – director, St Aloysius ITI was the president for the programme.

Roshan D’Souza – principal; Alwyn Menezes – vice principal; Noel Lobo and Wilson N – training officers; Romius D’Souza – convener of the programme; Naveen – physical education instructor of St Aloysius PU College; Darshan – president, student council; Terren Andrade – sports secretary were present for the programme.

The march past was done by the students of all trades. MRAC 1st year students won the prize in march past. The college flag was hoisted by the chief guest. The prayer service was led by fashion designing 1st year students. Roshan D’Souza – principal welcomed the gathering.

The chief guest addressed the gathering by saying, “It gives me immense pleasure to stand before you today. This institution has shaped my career. Today I am standing before you because of the encouragement given me by my teachers. Winning a trophy or medal is not important, your participation and sportsmanship is important. I am grateful for this institution today. Believe in yourself and never stop working hard, life is full of obstacles every challenge is an opportunity to grow. Keep your goals high and stay focused. Success will come through dedication and hard work. We wished all the participants all the best.”

The annual sports meet was declared open by the chief guest by releasing the balloons and pigeons in the air. The oath taking ceremony was led by sports secretary Terren Andrade.

The prizes were distributed to the winners of inter-trade cricket tournament which was held on December, 30 and inter-trade volleyball match and badminton match which was held on December 31. The prize distribution ceremony was conducted by Shreyas, JTO.

The results of the inter-trade cricket tournament are as follows:

Winners – MRAC 1st year
Runners – MRAC 2nd year
Best batsman – Anson Shanon D’Souza, MRAC 1st year
Best bowler – Akshay, MRAC 2nd year
Man of the match – Anson Shanon D’Souza, MRAC 1st year
Man of the series – Nihal Stallen Sequeria, MRAC 1st year

The results of the inter-trade volleyball match are as follows:

Winners – MMV 1st year
Runners – MRAC 1st year
Best attacker – Ramlan Suhaz, MMV 1st year
Best all-rounder – Anson Shanon D’Souza, MRAC 1st year
Best receiver – Royson Castelino, MMV 1st year
Best server – Gururaj, MRAC 1st year

The results of the inter-trade cricket tournament are as follows:

1st prize – Swasthika, EM 1
Pratheeksha, EM 1
2nd prize – Preethi Sequeria, EM 1
Nisha, EM 1

In his presidential address, Fr John D’Souza SJ said that, “Today everyone must participate in the events. If you are interested in sports along with your studies and if you make time and learn the sports, you can achieve further. He wished everyone all the best.”

Noel Lobo – Training officer proposed the vote of thanks.

The programme was compered by Robin Vas, JTO.

Students participated in various competitions like 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, high jump, long jump, ring throw, shot put, and relay were held. The winners were congratulated with medals and certificates.

The individual championship in the girls category was won by Swasthika, EM 1st.

The individual championship in the boys category was won by A Kiran Kumar, MMV 2nd year.