International Women’s Day was celebrated at St Aloysius ITI. On behalf of Women’s Day a talk was organised at 10 a.m. on the topic Invest in Women – Accelerate Progress and Women Health which was given by Mrs Suneetha Merlin Fernandes, Assistant Professor – OBG Department, Father Muller College of Nursing. Games were conducted for ladies staff and students by Shreyas, JTO. The Women’s Day celebration was held at 3 p.m., and the programme commenced with a prayer which was led by Wilson N, and JTO. Ashwin Dsouza, JTO welcomed the gathering.

Ms Shreema Priyadarshini – a Sports Athlete was the Chief Guest. Mrs Daina Fernandes, JTO; Mrs Kanthi D’Souza; Mrs Winnifred Fernandes; Mrs Dorin Snehaprabha, JTO; Ms Vanditha Rego, JTO; Mrs Padmavathi, JTO; Mrs Joslin Soans, JTO; Ms Navyalaxmi – Joint Cultural Secretary were the Guests of Honour. Fr John D’Souza S J – Director of St Aloysius ITI was the President of the programme. Roshan D’Souza – Principal, Alwyn Menezes – Vice Principal, Noel Lobo – Training Officer, Shreyas, Convener of the programme and N Shashank – President, Student Council were present.
The programme was inaugurated by cutting the cake by the Chief Guest and the dignitaries. The Chief Guest Ms Shreema Priyadarshini and Ms Navyalaxmi, Joint Cultural Secretary were felicitated for their achievements. Addressing the gathering, Ms Shreema Priyadarshini said, “I would like to tell you about myself instead of giving an example of someone else. You should have a goal in your life and should know what you want in your life. At the age of 19, I was recruited for the Southern Railways and it was my third offer. I had a cluster-level competition and that morning my teacher told me that I was not capable of being an athlete, you can’t run and you can never be an athlete. It hurt me very deeply. But I took it positively and took it as a challenge and started my training. I suffered from injuries. I used to win at the state level but couldn’t win at the national level. But still, I didn’t lose hope because I remembered what my teacher told me and I wanted to prove her wrong. I continued, and my family members and coach supported me. I used to practice 7-8 hours per day.”

“When I came to 1st PUC I attended the same event and won a gold medal. I had a goal in my life to become an athlete. I wanted to tell my teacher that no one can dictate what we can become. You know what your talent is and by God’s grace you will become a successful person in life. In our life, many people put us down and take advantage. Your career is very important. Be financially independent, only then you will have respect in society. Anything can flip in your life, but if you have financial independence you can do anything in life. If we women have the strength to give birth to a child, I think we can own this world. We women are not weak. Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th, but women’s day must be celebrated every day because women have their difficulties and we don’t know what they want. Life will have a full stop only when you decide to put a full stop until then go on. Work on your goals. I wish to see you all making big names in the future.” added Ms Priyadarshini

In his Presidential address, Director of St Aloysius ITI, Fr John D’Souza SJ said, “You all were happy today. You should remember your mother today. Face the problems that come into your life strongly and don’t get discouraged. Women must be strong. Don’t give up. Use the opportunities that you have got. You may face ups and downs. Many may not encourage you but take it seriously those who encourage you. Work for your goal and you will be a successful person.”
Prizes were distributed to the winners who won in the games. Romius D’Souza, JTO proposed the vote of thanks. The cultural programme was performed by the staff and students. John D’Souza, JTO compered the programme.