Innovative thinking is the ability to create something new. To cultivate the spirit of innovation, a technical model competition was arranged for the students of St Aloysius Industrial Training Institute. In participation, students have prepared a number of innovative models by applying their knowledge and creativity under the guidance of their trainers.

The models created by students will be exhibited to the public during Aloysius Tech-Fest 2024 on March 1- 2. Inauguration of ‘Aloysius Tech Fest 2024’ in the premises of St Aloysius ITI was held on March 1 at 10 AM. The programme commenced with a prayer song sung by students. Wilson N, convener of the programme escorted the dignitaries to the dais. Roshan DSouza, principal welcomed the gathering. Pradeep DSouza – skill development officer, DK district and Fr Ajith – provincial, Ranchi Province were the chief guests.

Rajesh Kadri – proprietor, Dhruvi Enterprises; Ramachandra Bhat – proprietor, Creative Diesel Services and Consultancy; Richard Cyril Rodrigues – managing partner, Karnataka Agencies and Vineetha Tauro – HR; Gladson D’Silva – proprietor, H D’Silva & Company; Arvind Prabhu – proprietor, AMOG Garments; Rajesh Kadri – proprietor, Adithi Industries; M D Poojary – director, N D Sons Engineers Pvt Ltd; Sushan – proprietor, Adhish Industries; Balakrishna Gatty – proprietor, Gajanana Machine Works; Balakrishna – proprietor, COOL BREEZE; Ivan Apos – proprietor, COOL – TECH Car Air Conditioning; Joel Menezes -proprietor, manager operations and administration, Aircare Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.; Johnson Antony Raj – proprietor, COOL COMFORT; Sathish – proprietor, Evercool Air Conditioner were the guests of honour. Fr John DSouza S J – director of St Aloysius ITI was the president of the programme. Roshan D’Souza – principal, Alwyn Menezes – vice principal, Noel Lobo – training officer, Wilson N, convener of the programme and N Shashank – president, Student Council were present.

The programme was inaugurated by unveiling the display board. The online quiz competition – pixel puzzle quest was inaugurated by scanning the QR code. Addressing the gathering, Pradeep D’Souza said, “You have gathered here to compete with each other and demonstrate the projects. To survive we need to possess many skills. In today’s technological era, we should acquire multi-skills. You must apply for different schemes under the Government and make use of them for your projects. Use your full potential to achieve success. Skilling is a continuous process which does not have an end. Every student must have innovation in the mind.”

A copy of the MOU signed with the various companies for training and placement of the students, was handed over to the institution by the company officials. In his Presidential address, Director of St Aloysius ITI Fr John D’Souza SJ said, “We conduct tech fest every year to showcase our skills. We gather today as innovators. It is the celebration of creativity in the world. We can develop our communication skills by demonstrating our projects. We overcome ups and downs in our life. Similarly, we face some risk when we do our projects. Sometimes we don’t get the correct result or output, that time we must apply a trial and error method. This develops our analytical and problem solving ability.”
Wilson N, convener of the programme proposed vote of thanks. Robin Vas, JTO compered the programme.