Drug addiction is on the rise among the youths of Mangaluru and Coastal Karnataka. To create awareness about the perils of drug addiction and inspire the youth to stay away from drugs a walkathon was organized by St Aloysius ITI in collaboration with Lions and Leo Club Mangaluru, Leo Club Mangaluru SAITI and St Francis Xavier Church, Bejai, Karangalpady ward on October 19 at 2:30 pm from St Aloysius ITI – PVS – Nava Bharath Circle to City Centre Mall.

Chief guest for the programme was S Mahesh Kumar, assistant commissioner of police, central sub division, Mangaluru. Fr Suraj Lobo, assistant parish priest, Bejai Church, Nishitha Harish Shetty, manager, City Centre Mall were the guests of honour. Lion Kudupi Arvind Shenoy, PMJF, 2nd Vice District Governor Dist, 317D, Lion president, Lion Sheena Pujary MJF; Lion secretary, Lion Rajesh Victor Heri MJF; Lion treasurer, Lion Shivaram Rai MJF; Fr John D’Souza SJ, director of St Aloysius ITI, Roshan D’Souza, principal; Alwyn Menezes, vice principal; Noel Lobo, training officer; Leo coordinator, Lion Wilson N; Romius Dsouza – Ward Gurkar of Karangalpady Ward, St Francis Xavier Church, Bejai and our JTO; Leo President – Leo Sushanth; Leo secretary, Leo Winston D’Souza; Leo treasurer,Leo Privisha Shainy D’Souza; staff and students were present for the programme.

At 2:30 pm, all the students and other participants gathered in the college premises. President Leo Sushanth welcomed the gathering.
Chief guest addressed the gathering by saying, “You have to take a step in creating an awareness among the youth. You, as students are supporting the police in organising the walkathon.” He also appreciated the hard work of Leo and Lions Club and he said how happy he was to be part of the anti drug awareness walkathon. He also appreciated the efforts of students that they put in designing the placards.
The prizes were distributed to the students who won in the anti drug awareness poster competition.
The winners are as follows:
1st prize – Eshan Shetty, MRAC 1st year
2nd prize – Naveen, MMV 1st year
3rd prize – Renal Fernandes, MMV 2nd year

The flag off was done by Lion Kudupi Arvind Shenoy, PMJF, 2nd vice district governor Dist 317D. The walkathon began from St Aloysius ITI – PVS – Nava Bharath circle to City Centre Mall.
The walkathon concluded at City Centre Mall by a chende performance and a street play on drug awareness by the students of ITI.
Lion Kudupi Arvind Shenoy, PMJF, 2nd Vice District Governor Dist 317D spoke a few words stating, “How we are loosing the battle against drug” and he also appreciated the hard work and cooperation of students.
Principal of SAITI thanked everyone and finished his speech by saying “SAY NO TO DRUGS YES TO LIFE.”
Leo Privisha Shainy Dsouza proposed a vote of thanks.
Leo Coordinator, Lion Wilson N and Robin Vas, JTO compered the programme.