Christmas Sauharda programme was celebrated at St Aloysius ITI at 10:30 am in the college auditorium on Friday, December 23.
Swami Raghuramananda, assistant secretary of Ramakrishna Mission, Mahammad Rahoof Sakhafi – Zeenath Baksh Yatheem Khana, Fr Vincent D’Souza, director of CODP, Adrian Deepak KSD, associate presbyter, CSI Shanthi Cathedral and youth director of CSI Karnataka Southern Diocese were the guests of honour. Fr John D’Souza S J, director, was the president for the programme. Roshan D’Souza, principal, Alwyn Menezes, vice principal, Noel Lobo, training officer were present for the programme.

The prayer service was led by Vincent Mendonca, JTO. Students from each community read the verse from Quran, Holy Bible and Bhagavad Gita.
Likhith, student of electrician 1st year and Suhana, student of Sewing Technology welcomed the gathering.

Swami Raghuramananda addressed the gathering by saying, “Among human beings, teenage life is very memorable. If you ask a person of age 40 years old everyone tells that student life is very good and it is a joyful time. We can do anything and everything at student life. Many people go to the gym and build their body. We
don’t get our body built from outside but we get our body built from the divine power that is inside. Swami Vivekananda has said ‘Each soul is potentially divine’. Everyone has 100% potential. If anyone gives us money it depends on how we use. If I have to achieve success I have to work hard. We have to pay face problems in different situations.”
Gifts were distributed to the students who participated in the star competition. A dance was performed by sewing technology and fashion designing students.

Addressing the gathering Mahammad Rahoof Sakhafi spoke a few words saying that, “We should love each other. We should not see caste, creed or religion. If an accident is met on the road we should help that person we should not see which caste or religion that person belongs too. We should be friendly with everyone. We should love our parents.”
Prizes were distributed to the students who won in the star competition.

Addressing the gathering Adrian Deepak KSD spoke a few words saying that, “We live in this world. Student life places a very important role, what we contribute to the country and society is important. 66% of Indian population is of young people. We should know how to use this student life at young age. You use your skills and achieve success in that field. They should not be harm from us to anyone.”
Prizes were distributed to the students who won in the christmas carols competition.

Addressing the gathering Fr Vincent D’Souza spoke a few words saying that, “Crib is the main sign of Christmas. All religion students study in this college. We should have togetherness. There is dedication in this college in whatever they do. He wished all the very best to the students.”

Christmas carols was sung by the students of Sewing Technology, Fashion Designing, MRAC 2nd year, Electronics Mechanic 1st year and Electrician 1st year students.

In his presidential address, Fr John D’Souza SJ said that, “Christmas means birthday of Jesus. When we celebrate christmas we will be in enthusiasm. We do crib, put stars, decorate christmas tree and distribute sweets. Everyone works for the development of society. In this Christmas sauharda programme there is equal respect to everyone. Students have done the crib by great efforts and also a moving star under the guidance of staff, this shows the keen interest of students and their creativeness.”

Muthu, student of Electronics first year proposed a vote of thanks. The programme was compered by Staron Charles D’Souza, student of MRAC 2nd year.
The crib was done by electrician second year students.